вторник, 20 октября 2009 г.

PCI DSS and wireless networks

Again, we discuss PCI DSS and wireless networks http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/137/507096

But how can we determine if this rogue AP and especially rogue wireless clients (WLAN card into a back office server) are inside CDE? By signal level? But Kismet shows this information only for APs (not for clients) :(

I’ve already answered the question on

Informzaschita web site, but let’s repeat.

>how could I know that the wireless access point with enabled encryption is a part of our local network?

Access Point location can be detected in different ways. The easiest way is by traffic “in the air”. Even if the point uses strong encryption (not WEP), enough data to indentify the segment are sent in clear text. For example, sender’s MAC address. As an access point is a link -level device, it relays all segment broadcast requests “into the air”. As there are a lot of this kind of requests in the network (ARP, NetBIOS, IPv6, etc.), comparing MAC addresses of senders who send packets through the point, and the list of known MAC addresses from your network, it’s easy to detect the access point location. Additionally, you can send a great number of broadcast packets via utilities that realize ARP-ping, such as Cain or nmap.
Triangulation… Running after every beacon with an antenna is not an easy task.

>Whre can I find information about access point search by triangulation method, and what kind of antennais the best?

Parabolic and Yagi- antenna for 2,4 diapason are rather bulky, so panel ones are more comfortable to use, in spite of worse directivity and sensitivity to reflected signal.

>But if it’s really rightly configured access point WPA2+hidden+MAC filter. It takes long time to find until there’s no activity.

Any AP connected to network, “signals” anyway: - sends beacon (even if ESSID is empty) - relays broadcasts and multicast with source MAC addresses in clear text

Its’ difficult to image a network without broadcast requests. And I wrote above how to detect access point location by these requests.

>How to detect clients that connect to external access points

Clients that are authorized to connect to “external” access points, can be detected by active security assessment mechanisms. For example, there are three mechanisms in
MaxPatrol that helps to resolve the problem:
- inventory that analyzes wireless Windows clients settings,
- security assessment that analyzes insecure configurations (e.g., multihomed, no encryption, WEP usage),
- compliance management that sets black and white lists of access points which are allowed in the network.

By monitoring wireless network, but you need to list “your ” MAC addresses beforehand. It’s possible to do by active (see above) or passive (see below) mechanisms.

>How can I understand that this is my users? Something about it is written

here (Russian).

But in any case, a workstation (especially under Windows) sends a lot of interesting traffic which allows to define network membership. This is both NetBIOS Broadcast and

WPAD requests, and also DHCP requests which contain host and domain name...

But one question is still open – how to send this kind of traffic? Here

Gnivirdraw can help us.

>Active scanners don’t help us!!! Of course, sometimes to run along with laptop is useful :). But scanners can help to do the following:

- fingerprint in pentest mode of network devices (including AP).

- inventory of wireless client configuration (MAC addresses, lists of networks)

- analysis of access point configuration

- analysis of wireless device logs in order to find “bad” events

Thus some wireless problems are on the wire :)

понедельник, 19 октября 2009 г.

WASC Announcement: 2008 Web Application Security Statistics Published

The Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) is pleased to announce the WASC Web Application Security Statistics Project 2008. This initiative is a collaborative industry wide effort to pool together sanitized website vulnerability data and to gain a better understanding about the web application vulnerability landscape. We ascertain which classes of attacks are the most prevalent regardless of the methodology used to identify them. Industry statistics such as those compiled by Mitre CVE project provide valuable insight into the types of vulnerabilities discovered in open source and commercial applications, this project tries to be the equivalent for custom web applications.

This article contains Web application vulnerability statistics which was collected during penetration testing, security audits and other activities made by companies which were members of WASC in 2008. The statistics includes data about 12186 sites with 97554 detected vulnerabilities.

WASC Web Application Security Statistics 2008


четверг, 15 октября 2009 г.

Some plug about Bitrix

Recently we conducted audit of new security functions of "1С-Bitrix: Site management " to assess the compliance with Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria requirements of Web Application Security Consortium.

The story has continued on Chaos Constructions CC9 Festival" that took place on 29-30 August 2009 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

"More than six hundred Russian hackers have been trying to hack down a server-installed content management software in attempt to get over its sophisticated Proactive Protection system. There had been more than 25.000 attacks recorded and effectively repulsed during the software crash test competition hours. The competition was organized by the Bitrix, Inc. team and Positive Technologies IT experts"

Bitrix Real-Time Hack Competition in Russia

25.000 Russian Hack Attacks Repulsed by Bitrix in Two Days

WAF-protected, tested "by Russian Hackers", PCI Compliant site from the box. Not bad, is not it?